Changing Jobs

“… we live in a real world, where the line between prosperity and destitution can be as thin as the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers or a factory closure.” – In Praise of Lando

A funny thing happened to me on the way to this summer, I left my job of 11 years to pursue a new opportunity.   To be honest, I was content and challenged in my previous role and on a pretty solid path.  But sometimes when an opportunity presents itself, you have to weigh the options and take a chance.  The key question is, are any of us really prepared to honestly explore a new opportunity in good faith?  How many of us are really thinking beyond the here and now?

In principle, we should always be assessing our proficiencies and interests on a regular basis.  All too frequently, we are just trying to make it to the end of our to-do list so we can unplug.  Even worse, sometimes we’re just trying not to lose ground or hoping that an unforeseen crisis doesn’t force our hand.  Working hard and executing might get you through the short term, but it isn’t enough.  Taking a step back to ensure you’re doing the right work is crucial to long term growth and success. This doesn’t just apply to individuals, but to organizations of any scale.

When Seth Godin warned us to “Dig your well before you’re thirsty,” he’s challenging our inherent complacency and tendency to coast and accept what’s handed to us.  Life is replete with black swan moments.  Do you seek them out?  Do you dread them?  I’m starting to think the main question is, what might be holding you back from making any change at all?  It’s one thing to miss or pass on an opportunity.  It’s something else entirely to be so overextended and brittle that the slightest disruption brings everything down.

When I first started out writing BASIC and soldering electronics, the World Wide Web wasn’t even a thing.  Since then, entire technologies have been born and become obsolete. What do you do to keep current and be ready for the next thing?

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to add them here or address them to

Thanks for looking in!